Welcome to Bach digital
the Bach portal for musical research and practice
the detailed and global database with digital reproductions of works/sources by J. S. Bach and the whole Bach family
the platform for reliable research results, always kept up to date
… or simply a place for browsing through the fascinating original sources of J. S. Bach and his sons
New Addenda & Corrigenda area set up for the BWV³ and the catalogs raisonnés of the series „Bach Repertorium“
In the Addenda & Corrigenda section recently set up on Bach digital, a compilation of all updates and corrections to the catalogs raisonnés compiled at the Bach Archive will be made possible in future - with information from users.International Scientific Conference - papers now online
This year, the Bachfest Leipzig hosted a conference with livestreaming from June 15-17, focusing on the cantata around 1720 and the replacement of the Leipzig Thomaskantorat.New digital copies

D-Bsa SA 3650
- Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann (1710–1784): Trio D-Dur
- Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann (1710–1784): Trio a-Moll
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750)
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann (1710–1784): Kontrapunktstudien

D-B Mus.ms. Bach P 226, Faszikel 2
- Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750): Sonate in G für obligates Cembalo und Viola da gamba